Strategic Contract Staffing
Effective Strategic Contract Staffing/ & outsourcing the solutions
To increase workforce in the easiest way, recruit candidates through contract staffing. Contract staffing is now becoming the latest trend in the HR industry. Centipros provides unmatched client satisfaction by offering best effective HR solutions. For candidates, we find perfect jobs with the best of companies. we provide them with highest quality offers, all services are cost effective and suites different verticals. To augment our contract staffing solutions, a team of professionals, who possess the right skills for strategic thinking and tactical execution skills work with missionary zeal. By focusing on the industry specifics and corporate culture of our clients, which results in delivering quality, continuity and accountability in service. Inceptron work in collaboration with the clients and implement effective sourcing strategies to reach for competent work force deployment. Companies hire staff on contractual basis when their internal expertise is scarce, or for an ongoing project, when its reserved work force is already engaged in another project. CWO is a toolkit that has evolved to handle the non-W-2 business wave. As contingent workers continue to grow at a double-digit annual pace as a percentage of the overall workforce, companies are feeling an ever greater need to have tools to manage this quickly-growing phenomenon. Capturing and managing data that allows managers to see and control their entire contingent and full-time workforces is a complex task that is now possible with contingent workforce management or CWO tools.
Implementing and Supporting Strategic Contract Staffing needs /Workforce Planning Process
Strategic staffing/workforce planning is a discipline in and of itself. It has its own roles, accountabilities, and expectations, and it feeds nearly every other HR function (e.g., staffing, recruiting, training, development, and succession). As a result, it simply cannot be linked to just one of those functions. When strategic staffing/workforce planning is first implemented, it is possible that the workload it generates can be handled along with that of another function. However, as soon as the value of workforce planning is recognized, demand for the process will generate much work and require significant resources. At that point, it is unlikely that the staff of any unit that combines workforce planning and another function will be able to do a good job of either one. Further, Strategic staffing/workforce planning requires a set of skills and capabilities that other HR functions don’t, therefore can be outsourced on specific requirement basis at a low cost avoiding the establishment of a separate unit to execute the need.
Implementing Process Effectively
Implementing process change requires a powerful combination of skills techniques that will win widespread support for process changes and methodologies to implement the solution effectively. These include:
Implementing Process Change presents a practical, integrated approach that will enhance all these skills.
Engaging and Involving Managers in Strategic Contract Staffing
By engaging Managers in developing an integrated Talent Management & Hiring strategy which includes defining quantitative and qualitative information, environmental scan, study of internal supply, external supply, internal demand, external demand. Involving the Managers in Trend analysis, Study of data, and assessing the environmental risk factors of Strategic contract staffing over the organization & ROI.
Supporting Strategic Contact Staffing/Workforce Planning: HR Structure and Required Skills

The normal role of the service center is to provide basic administrative support to the HR function. For many organizations, this includes benefits administration, salary administration, HRIS/data management, and governmental reporting. Center for Contract staffing play several key roles in supporting workforce planning:Since the service center is handling much of the day-to-day activity of recruiting and staffing, HR functional staff will have the time they need in order to focus on and address the most critical issues that they are facing. This will allow the workforce planning unit to focus on value-added planning and staffing work instead of administration.
Inceptron as HR Business partner, & role.
Identifying high-level talent management gaps and developing appropriate Strategies using strategic staffing/workforce planning, working with managers on an ongoing basis to: