Project Management

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As a leading project management organization (PMO) we have started accommodating Agile projects into their existing landscape, particularly in the areas of metrics and reporting. The PMO′s top-down budgeting and planning processes do not align with the short delivery cycles, customer-driven prioritization, and continuous evaluation of requirements that characterize Agile projects.

Our Project managers consistently communicate to and report on projects across business units and development methodologies. Given the breadth of projects within a CIO′s control, PMO metrics′ are not consistent with the Agile teams but at Centipros we work on to improve this communication with improved flow of project management data to bring changes ultimately in the organizational functioning.

We work on two major objectives with this.

1. Establishing a centralized PMO provides a context in which Agile projects can co-exist with traditional projects, and simultaneously add value.

2. Leveraging Agile practices to improve the PMO′s effectiveness across all projects